yellow incandescent
corrupting black
soft grayscale inside
shutters semi-closed
semi-open eyelids
pink broadcasting
west, blue electric
gentle caress, breeze
blows in, turning
cold, bites sudden
An idea of hope
crisp air, eye bulbs dry
dense dreams, birds
singing above
and around, louder
An impression of
weight, on the same side
one half empty
half almost
waiting, unfamiliar
A roar breaking
silence, tapping
above crumbling
solid cold against
warm matter, one body
A memory of intimacy
dusty floor meets bare
feet, absence
against, unfamiliar
lost in noise
A light beaming
through, projects city
red iron across
water, fresh running
down, beginnings
A thought of
affection, eyes further
down, staircase
smell intense
taste, unexpected
A desire to feel
needs touching
until time ends
and begins